People with disability constitute 15% of the world’s population, around 1.3 billion people. This number is expecting to double by 2050. In Lebanon, they represent 4% of the population, 80% of them are unemployed.
People with Disability and disadvantaged communities are often deprived from employment, which is considered as one of the fundamental rights and needs of human being, which leaves them an untapped human resource.
Many laws and conventions around the world and in Lebanon, affirm the right of all people to access the job market, choose their employment freely, develop their potential to the full and reap economic rewards on the basis of merit. These laws all state that people should not face discrimination, distinction or exclusion regarding their employment choices and opportunities.
The employment office at arcenciel was established in 1992 to serve the purpose of lowering unemployment rate among people with disabilities and vulnerable communities across Lebanon, through empowering, strengthening, accompanying, recruiting and developing.
The employment program aims to facilitate access to employment opportunities and ensure career development for people with disabilities and vulnerable communities.
The program works through a holistic approach on 3 inter-related areas of actions, through its employment office, serving the main mission: Personal development and growth, Professional integration and Social inclusion.
The office empowers people with disabilities, assists them in their professional integration while ensuring equal employment opportunities and decent work. As well as, promoting inclusion in different fields of business through providing modules of training and awareness sessions, across Lebanon.