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With a focus on influencing public policy that protects persons in difficulty, arcenciel is deeply committed to Lebanon’s long term development and to its future. Our team drives sustainable development forward every day by encouraging financial autonomy, social integration and environmental protection in all of its fields of work. Here is a snapshot of our impact in 2016.






distributed (walkers, wheelchairs, crutches, …)



in food and clothing




in circus arts



by or through arcenciel




As a development NGO, arcenciel’s goal is to follow each person throughout his or her entire life. With each beneficiary receiving personalized attention, we aim to provide continuous support through all stages of human development. One individual may receive several different services from arcenciel.

On average in 2016, a single person received 12 services from arcenciel.




arcenciel services benefitting broader communities and the environment are not included in number of people served.



the Domaine de Taanayel. The Domaine is one of the largest public green spaces in the country that promotes eco-tourism and cultural tourism.



by the Domaine de Taanayel was produced by its own solar panels, showcasing the environmental and financial success of renewable energy to others in the region.




of solid waste. Twice as much as last year, arcenciel is becoming a national reference and stakeholder in waste management.



by arcenciel. That otherwise could pose health risks to Lebanon’s wider communities and ecosystems.*Infectious Hospital Care Waste



of the country are produced in the Domaine de Taanayel, safeguarding the Lebanese wine market and creating jobs.




Numbers based on a total budget of 17.4$ million
Those numbers are based on 2016 expenses only










Social Protection for 9 Vulnerable Municipalities
Strengthen 9 municipalities and develop a social protection system for 10,000 Lebanese and refugees living in the regions of Akkar, the Beqaa and Beirut. arcenciel responds to the communities’ special needs with medical and paramedical
care, technical aid, psychosocial activities and professional trainings.

Improve Food Security of Vulnerable Populations and Enhance Small Scale Farmers’ Assets
– European Union & ACF
Adopt a set of activities to increase the availability, accessibility and use of nutritious foods and to boost the economic status of householders and farmers in Hermel, Fekha, Ras Baalabeck and El-Qaa.


Act for the Preservation of Lebanese forests by Engaging Youth
– Fondation d’Entreprise Hermès
Improve the knowledge and practices used for forest conservation in an attempt to preserve the biodiversity of Lebanese forests.

Strengthen a Social Solidarity Network for Vulnerable Syrian and Lebanese Populations
Provide essential goods such as clothing and basic living equipment for 10,000 people living in severe financial difficulty in Beirut, Bekaa and Akkar. This project is centralized in arcenciel’s newly opened Boutique Sociale in Sed El-Bouchriyeh.




Agriculture and Environment

AFD | Sorting and Recycling in Organizations and Municipalities | 999,913€


[2017-2014] Implement efficient and sustainable waste management systems in order to support communities in 12 municipalities of the Beqaa, the North and Mount Lebanon that host high numbers of Syrian refugees.


Agnes Varis Trust Fund | Strengthening the National Network for Collection and Treatment of Infectious Health Care Waste | 1,000,000$


[2016-2015] Preserve the environment and reduce communicable diseases in Lebanon by ensuring safe and proper Infection Health Care Waste management.


European Union | ACF | Improving Food Security and Nutritional Capacities of Vulnerable Populations and Enhancing Small Scale Agricultural Producers Assets in Baalbeck-Hermel, Lebanon | 478,520€


[2018-2016] Adopt a set of activities to increase the availability, accessibility and consumption of nutritious foods as well as to boost the economic status of householders and farmers in Hermel, Fekha, Ras Baalbek and El-Qaa.


European Union | Improving Agricultural Economy in the Beqaa | 2,499,409€


[2016-2014] Improve agricultural, water and waste management infrastructure in the Beqaa focusing on refugees and host communities.


European Union | Oxfam Italy | Raising the Voice of Lebanese CSOs towards an Inclusive and Sustainable Development in Agriculture and Environment in North Lebanon | 67,980€


[2016-2018] Promote sustainable development in Northern Lebanon by uniting different civil society groups and encouraging the creation of civic platforms. The project aims to empower these groups to enhance local networks and
to identify common ground.


Fondation d’entreprise Hermès | Acting for the Preservation of Lebanese Forests by Engaging Younger Generations | 34,350€


[April 2016 – May 2017] Improve the knowledge and practices used for forest conservation in order to contribute to preserving the biodiversity of the Lebanese forests.


USAID | OTI | Sorting and Recycling Initiative in Businesses and Schools of Borj Hammoud | 90,216$


[2016-2015] Increase Borj Hammoud Municipality’s ability to respond to the pressing waste crisis. Train Lebanese and Syrian youth to encourage businesses and schools to sort their trash.


HSBC | SES | Sawa | 413,060$


[2016-2013] Promote water conservation practices and technologies in four pilot public schools.

Mobility and Health

AECID | AIDA | Strenghtening Response to Precarious Health Conditions of the Most Vulnerable Refugee and Lebanese populations, focusing on persons with disabilities | 366,572€


[2016-2015] Provide healthcare support for 2,000 Syrians, Iraqis and Lebanese, with special attention to disabled persons through comprehensive services aimed at increasing their autonomy.


Caritas Austria | Caritas Migration Center – Providing Psycho-Social Support to Children in Ural Settings | 10,260€


[March – May 2016] Teach children from Lebanese and Syrian backgrounds circus skills to promote inclusion coupled with psychosocial support.


Fondation Philanthropique Next and WISE Sarl | Providing Social and Medical Services to Syrian Refugees and Host Communities | 300,580$


[2019-2016] Improve the living conditions of more than 580 vulnerable Syrian refugees and Lebanese communities through the provision of social and medical services, and job creation.


UNHCR | Caritas Lebanon | On-the-job Training, Capacity Building and Provision of Services and Technical Devices for Refugees with Disabilities in Beirut and Mount Lebanon | 20,000$


[2016] Enhance the situation and living conditions of some of the most vulnerable refugees with disabilities through a series of capacity building sessions, on-the-job training, and the provision of technical aid devices.

Responsible Tourism

Agnes Varis Trust Fund | Agnes Varis Women Training Center | 500,000$


[2017-2014] Strengthen the socio-economic role of women in the Bekaa rural region by creating the Agnes Varis Women Training Center.


USAID | DAI Global, LLC | Increasing Competitiveness of arcenciel Rural Tourism Facilities | 83,625$


[2017-2016] Foster rural tourism in the Bekaa region through innovative ecotourism activities by encouraging healthy and sustainable behaviors, respectful of the environment among the Lebanese society.


Fundación Europamundo | AIDA | Supporting Sustainable Tourism Initiatives in the Beqaa, Lebanon | 24,000€


[April 2016- March 2017] Contribute to the development of the Beqaa region by promoting rural tourism. The program empowers vulnerable women to improve their living conditions by providing them with specialized training and
employment in rural tourism.

Social Support
AFD | Social Protection for 9 Vulnerable Municipalities | 1,000,000€


[2018-2016] Strengthen 9 municipalities and develop a social protection system for 10,000 Lebanese and refugees living in the regions of Akkar, the Beqaa and Beirut. arcenciel responds to the communities’ special needs with
medical and paramedical care, technical aid, psychosocial activities and professional trainings.


OCHA | FPSC | Strengthening a Sustainable and Innovative Social Solidarity Network in Lebanon for Most Economically Vulnerable Syrian and Lebanese Populations | 333,464$


[2017-2016] Provide essential goods such as clothing and basic living equipment for 10,000 people living in severe financial difficulty in Beirut, Bekaa and Akkar. This project is centralized in arcenciel’s newly opened Boutique
Sociale in Sed El-Bouchriyeh.

Youth Empowerment

Embassy of Finland in Lebanon | Reaching Most Deprived Children with Quality Educational Services in Wadi Khaled, North Lebanon | 50,080€


[2017-2016] Improve the access to quality educational services for 100 of the most vulnerable children in Wadi Khaled.


European Union | SAWA | Together for a Better Future | 30,000€

[January to December 2016] Promote intercultural dialogue between 400 Lebanese and Syrian youths in Beirut, the Beqaa and North Lebanon by producing a documentary
that will raise awareness and promote inclusion.


Swiss Confederation| ALEF | Act for Human Rights | Engaging Communities in Tackling Security Challenges | 4,500$

[January 2016- October 2016] Reduce physical violence in education by bringing Syrian teachers and Lebanese
youths together for capacity building.


Diakonia | arcenciel Core-Funding | 325,444$

[2020-2016] Support arcenciel’s 2016–2020 core fund for the period between January 1st, 2016 and December 31st, 2020.




Circus School Opening
8th May

Rejuvenating a community in Jisr el Wati, arcenciel’s circus team opened a new center to welcoming all to play, sing and dance in a collaborative space.


Brocante des Artistes – 2nd edition
1st – 3rd July

Set in a traditional Beiruti villa in Ashrafiyeh, arcenciel’s annual auctioning event, La Brocante des Artistes, brought together a community around art, upcycled furniture and environmentalism.


Sed el Baouchriye Center Opening
2nd September

A fully functional and operational arcenciel field center, Sed el Baouchriye opened its doors this fall. The center supports young adults through self defense classes, other activities and provides affordable clothing to the community.


Festival de l’Arak – 1st edition
24th September

A banquet and festive feast, the Arak Festival promoted local arak and wine in a day of dance and song located at arcenciel’s traditional eco-village in Taanayel.




Corporate Social Responsibility
Corporations like L’Oreal Liban, L’Orient de Jour, HSBC and Bank Audi have been shaping the future of their country. Giving time, donations, or money, we’ve seen how corporations can fuel positive change in their communities.

Awareness and Education
By initiating social and environmental projects within Lebanon’s groups, universities, institutions, schools and corporations, arcenciel spreads a message that any person can organize their community to enact social change.




arcenciel USA

arcenciel USA, was registered in December 2016 as a 501(c)3 not for profit entity. Donations made to arcenciel USA are now tax deductible.

arcenciel USA provides different platforms for Lebanese Americans to support Lebanon’s most
underprivileged communities. Through fundraising efforts, and through a community service exchange program with high school students which will be launched in 2017.

arcenciel France

arcencielfrance consults and recruits for Lebanon through academic and professional trainings. Teachers and trainers specialized in social entrepreneurship help guide enterprise and sustainable development in the broader Mediterranean region.

Processmed supports social entrepreneurship in the Mediterranean and provides the opportunity for French, Tunisians, Lebanese students and social entrepreneurs to collaborate in Tunis, Beyrouth and Lyon on strategic development
and business development.