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arcenciel’s commitment lies in the sustainable development of Lebanon and its communities, by working with and for people in need. By working closely with local communities and strategic partners, arcenciel paves the way to sustainable development, financial autonomy, social integration and environmental protection through all of its projects and services.



arcenciel works with and for people in need by providing personalized care, and continuous support throughout all stages
of their lives. On average in 2017, a single person received 26 services from arcenciel.




across the country



on food safety, business-skills and nature conservation




for people in difficulty (ramps, cars, lifts)



from awareness and education sessions




(through the rainbow clubs, cirquenciel…etc.)



from individuals, institutions…




arcenciel services benefitting broader communities and the environment are not included in the number of people served.




throughout arcenciel centers



for treating 4K tons of infectious waste (associations, dispensaries, entreprises, hospitals, laboratories)




in 4 different reserves



capabilities and staff trained/capacity buildings.




our ecolodge promoting local cultural heritage



from pests and diseases




Numbers based on a total budget of $14.8 million Only includes 2017 expenses









Sustainable Agriculture and Environment

AFD | Sorting and Recycling in Organizations and Municipalities | 1,125,629€
[2014-2017] Implement efficient and sustainable waste management systems in order to support communities in 12 municipalities of the Bekaa, the North and Mount Lebanon that host high numbers of Syrian refugees.

European Union | ACF | Improving Food Security and Nutritional Capacities of Vulnerable Populations and Enhancing Small Scale Agricultural Producers Assets in Baalbeck-Hermel, Lebanon | 478,520€

[2016-2018] Adopt a set of activities to increase the availability, accessibility and consumption of nutritious foods as well as to boost the economic status of households and farmers in Hermel, Fekha, Ras Baalbek and El-Qaa.

European Union | ACTED | Strengthening youth and female leadership in local and national decision-making processes | 192,000€

[2015-2017] Strengthen institutional, operational and networking capacities of youth and women Civil Society Organizations through sessions on environmental advocacy and policy making.

European Union | Oxfam Italy | Raising the Voice of Lebanese CSOs towards Inclusive and Sustainable Development in Agriculture and Environment in North Lebanon | 68,352€

[2016-2018] Promote sustainable development in Northern Lebanon by uniting different civil society groups and encouraging the creation of civic platforms. The project aims at empowering these groups to enhance local networks and to identify common ground.

Fondation d’entreprise Hermès | Acting for the Preservation of Lebanese Forests by Engaging Younger Generations | 34,350€

[2016-2017] Improve the knowledge and practices used for forest conservation in order to contribute to preserving the biodiversity of the Lebanese forests.

UNDP | Renewable Energy Systems for Social Services Institutions | 300,000$

[2017-2018] In this project, hybrid technology is used, solar panels for energy generation at the Domain of Taanayel to increase its self-sufficiency in energy consumption.

UNHCR | INTERSOS | Improved Solid Waste Management in Bekaa Informal Settlements | 38,072$

[2017-2018] A pilot of improved solid waste management program on a household level in informal settlements in the Bekaa, where waste is separated and collected as recyclables and as organic for compost.

USAID | LIVCD | Investment to Improve Grapes’ Production Technology and Upgrade Cultural Practices of Traditional and New Grapes’ Varieties Cultivated by Table and Wine Grape Farmers benefiting from arcenciel’s Agricultural Program | 56,944$

[2017] Purchase and usage of Electro Static Sprayer and shredders as high technology equipment to allow farmers to increase their productivity, improve quality, and reduce costs while eliminating harmful impact on farm labor and the environment from over-spraying fertilizers and pesticides.

Mobility and Health

Fondation Philanthropique Next | Providing Social and Medical Services to Syrian Refugees and Host Communities | 300,000$
[2016-2018] Improving living conditions of vulnerable host and refugee communities in the regions of Akkar, the Bekaa and Beirut/Mt. Lebanon through the provision of medical and social services as well as employment opportunities.

UNHCR | Caritas Lebanon | On-the-Job Training and Provision of Services and Technical Devices for Refugees with Disabilities in Beirut and Mount Lebanon, phase II | 20,000$

[2017-2018] Enhance the situation and living conditions of some of the most vulnerable refugees with disabilities through on-the-job training, and the provision of technical aid devices.

USAID | AlHussein Society | Enhancement of Physiotherapy programs through networking in conflict affected countries (Jordan, Iraq, West Bank, Gaza, and Lebanon) | 18,210$

[2017-2018] Conducted a wheelchair advocacy campaign to increase the awareness of the community to quality wheelchair distribution.

Xunta de Galicia | AIDA | Improving Living Conditions of Vulnerable Refugees and Host Communities with Special Needs | 81,916$

[2017] Basic emergency aid distributed to vulnerable Syrian refugees and host communities with special needs, in the regions of Akkar, Bekaa, and Mount Lebanon.

Responsible Tourism and Cultural Heritage

British council | Search for common grounds | Tourathing | 41,619 GBP
[2017-2018] The project aims to bridge geographic and sectarian divisions through the promotion of a shared Lebanese cultural heritage among youth in both rural and urban areas. The project builds skills in recording and sharing historical information, as well as reaching across dividing lines to protect cultural heritage and contribute to healing fractures in the Lebanese society.

Fundación Europamundo | AIDA | Supporting Sustainable Tourism Initiatives in the Beqaa, Lebanon | 24,000€

[2016-2017] Contribute to the development of the Bekaa region by promoting rural tourism. The program empowers vulnerable women to improve their living conditions by providing them with specialized training and employment in rural tourism.

USAID | DAI Global, LLC | Increasing Competitiveness of arcenciel Rural Tourism Facilities | 127,615$

[2016-2017] Foster rural tourism in the Bekaa region through innovative ecotourism activities by encouraging healthy and sustainable behaviors,respectful of the environment among the Lebanese society.

USAID | Hospitality services | Cultural promotion of the Bekaa and promotion of the Ecolodge | 7,000$

[2017-2018] To promote ecotourism in the Bekaa, and help promoting the Ecolodge.

USAID | Hospitality services | Enhancing The Marketing Strategy for Agnes Varis Center’s Products | 5,500$

[2017-2018] Develop and improve branding and marketing of rural tourism destinations, products, and services in the Bekaa region.

Social Action

AFD | Social Protection for 9 Vulnerable Municipalities | 1,009,360€
[2016-2018] Strengthen 9 municipalities and develop a social protection system for 10,000 Lebanese and refugees living in the regions of Akkar, the Bekaa and Beirut. arcenciel responds to the communities’ special needs with medical and paramedical care, technical aid, psychosocial activities and professional trainings.

BPRM | Near East Foundation | Reducing Vulnerability of Syrian Refugees and Lebanese in Lebanon | 52,501$

[2016-2017] Reduce vulnerability among Syrian refugees and Lebanese by expanding access to economic and social resources in a manner that is sensitive to livelihoods competition and conflict triggers. In the project, arcenciel is working in communities that are part of the most vulnerable cadasters in Lebanon: Qabb Elias, Saadnayel and Taanayel (Bekaa governorate).

BPRM | Near East Foundation | Reducing Vulnerability of Syrian Refugees and Lebanese in Lebanon phase II | 78,072$

[2017-2018] Reduce vulnerability among Syrian refugees and Lebanese by expanding access to economic and social resources in a manner that is sensitive to livelihoods competition and conflict triggers. In the project, arcenciel is working in communities that are part of the most vulnerable cadasters in Lebanon: Qabb Elias, Saadnayel and Taanayel (Bekaa governorate).

OCHA | FPS | Strengthen a Social Solidarity Network for Vulnerable Syrian and Lebanese Populations | 263,663$

[2016-2017] Provide essential goods such as clothing and basic living equipment for 10,000 people living in severe financial difficulties in Beirut, Bekaa and Akkar. This project helped establich arcenciel’s Social Store in Sed El Bouchriyeh.

RDPP | International Alert | Justice and Livelihood Opportunities for all People: Enhancing Access to Protection and Employment for the Most Vulnerable Communities in Lebanon | 202,819$

[2017-2018] Support the capacity of vulnerable Syrian refugees and Lebanese in Central Bekaa, North Bekaa and Akkar to mitigate the negative impact of displacement from Syria, through improving their access to protection and livelihoods.

Youth Support

Caritas Liban | Youth activities | 80,000$
[2016-2018] Providing recreation, rehabilitation and physical education through circus arts, physical education sessions, upcycling and art therapy to both local and migrant youths in urban and rural schools and shelters.

CMA-CGM | LEM | AMEL | La Culture Au Coeur de l’Humanitaire | 15,000$

[2017-2018] Training and education for a circus show with Syrian refugees in Khiam, Lebanon.

Embassy of Finland | Reaching for most Deprived Children with Quality Educational Services in Wadi Khaled, North Lebanon | 50,080$

[2016-2017] Provide remedial classes and psychosocial activities to 100 marginalized Lebanese and Syrian children in Wadi Khaled.

IPSOS | Equipment and Heating System Installation for arcenciel’s Specialized Classes | 14,000€

[2017-2018] Equip arcenciel’s indoors and outdoors’ facilities with more educational and skills’ development equipment for its specialized classes,and install effective heating systems in the identified facilities, to provide the children with a real safe space.

Microsoft | Empowering Syrian Youth through Digital Literacy | 70,000$

[2017] Under the auspices of Microsoft’s Dignity Program, which works on strengthening local CBOs capacities for them to deliver adapted training that would increase the benefit and impact to their beneficiaries, in Beirut, North Lebanon and Bekaa.

OCHA | FPS | Education programs and accessibility for children with disabilities | 187,070$

[2017-2018] The project’s aim is to support the national movement to enable children with special needs to have equal access to education, while ensuring that they are surrounded by capable public school staff and a safe, inclusive environment.
25 public schools in the Bekaa region are targeted to improve their capacity to include children with disabilities in their educational programs.

UK Embassy in Beirut | Al Fanar | Strengthen the development of cirquenciel school by replicating the model across Lebanon – | 40,000$

[2017-2018] Capacity building of cirquenciel team in order to replicate the current school in other areas/region in Lebanon. The project aims to outreach and empower vulnerable youths as well as strengthen the economic model in order to be sustainable on the long term.

UNICEF | Specialized Services for Refugee Children with Disabilities in Bekaa and Akkar | 298,366$

[2017-2018] Enhance access of disabled Syrian refugee children to equitable educational and health-care services, through their enrollment in arcenciel’s Specialized Classes in Taanayel, and through receiving needed physio and speech therapy sessions in Taanayel and Halba.


Diakonia | arcenciel Core-Funding | 325,444$
[2016-2020] Support arcenciel’s 2016–2020 development through core fund for the period between January 1st, 2016 and December 31st, 2020.




Beit el Mouzareh

“Beit el Mouzareh” is an initiative launched by arcenciel’s agriculture program. Its mission is to empower farmers by bridging the gap that separates them from consumers. Through disintermediation and capacitybuilding, we aim to improve the quality and lower the cost of sustainable
agriculture for all its stakeholders.
Besides organizing a seasonal farmer market at the “Domaine de Taanayel” every Sunday, Beit el Mouzareh also buys the farmers’ produce at a premium, and offers a wide array of services all year long i.e. capacity-building, access to machinery, packaging and information-sharing.


Lebanese Conservation Volunteers

Through close collaboration with the Icelandic Conservation Volunteers and the Hermes Foundation, arcenciel formed the Lebanese Conservation Volunteers (LCV) program in August 2016.
The LCV is a youth-led network that leads, and trains young men and women across the globe in forestry protection, reserve management, pathwork engineering and search & rescue.
Today, the LCV program works in all parts of Lebanon as well as Iceland and Lake District in England.


La Brocante Corniche el Nahr

To best address this need, arcenciel has opened its second “La Brocante” outlet in Corniche el Nahr. The store offers a wide variety of up-cycled vintage items, each with its own story to tell. You can now visit the store from Monday to Friday between 10 am and 7 pm, and Saturday from 10 am till 4 pm.


Clothing Bins

arcenciel worked hand in hand with OCHA to develop and produce the country’s first clothing bins. Available 24/7, these bins make donating clothes easy, accessible and convenient for everyone. All of the donated items, including clothes and toys, are cleaned, checked then repaired before being displayed in stores for people in need. The bins can be found in municipalities, schools and arcenciel centers across Lebanon.



The 2015 garbage crisis in Lebanon made it clear for arcenciel’s environment & sustainable agriculture program that the country wasn’t equipped to handle its own waste. After studying the issue, the program has identified that approximately 60% of municipal waste in Lebanon is Organic. With no proper sorting at the source, transforming organic waste into good quality compost is practically impossible. In order to address this issue successfully, arcenciel’s lead engineers partnered up with AFD to develop a unique In-vessel composting drum capable of sorting, aerating and transforming the organic waste into grade A compost.


Musical Pavilion

The Musical Pavilion was built during the Stone, Earth and Wood workshop in the “Domaine de Taanayel”. One of the Pavilion’s purposes is to motivate the new generations of architects to revitalize and reintroduce traditional buildings, using locally sourced natural materials such as adobe bricks, massive stones, and wood. The Musical Pavillon is one of many initiatives from arcenciel’s culture program, which aims to help preserve the country’s cultural heritage.







arcenciel USA

Two years into its incorporation in New York, arcenciel USA, a 501(c)3 nonprofit, focused on raising awareness through events and fundraised a total of $221,509.

– $80,625 from the Agnes Varis Trust will support the Agnes Varis Women’s Empowerment Center in Taanayel, Bekaa.
– $100,000 from the Agnes Varis Trust, $12,476 from online donations and $28,408 from fundraising events. These funds will mainly support the incubation of innovative projects in each of arcenciel’s five programs.

– August 28: aecUSA was hosted by the Consulate General of Lebanon at a reception for the Lebanese community in NYC in collaboration with a book signing by Elsi Hakim, mother of late Christina Houri, author of the book Journey to Love.
– October 28: Pierre Issa, founder of aec Lebanon, was Honorary Guest Speaker at the annual Jamhour Gala in NYC.

arcenciel France

The “process Méditerranée“ program (process Med) is a network of cooperation in social entrepreneurship located on the 3 shores of the Mediterranean. Launched by arcenciel France in 2017 with its tunisian partner Shanti, the program has delivered a total of 4 sessions so far: 2 in Tunisia, 1 in Lebanon and 1 in France.

The network united more than 50 students from Sciences Po Lyon, ESCD 3A, and IHEC Carthage, along with +60 social entrepreneurs.

The sessions led to the production of 2 documentaries highlighting the social entrepreneurs’ initiatives on the following problems: the scarcity of water resources and its current waste management both in Tunisia and Lebanon.

The process Med also provided consulting services to 9 social enterprises, with a turnkey solution to some of their strategic development issues.


arcenciel is reaching the UN sustainable development goals through its programs, partners, centers, projects and services. video