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Arcenciel USA

Who we are

arcenciel USA, a 501 (c)(3) non-profit, non-political organization, was founded in January 2016 and is registered in the State of New York.

arcenciel USA raises funds to support Lebanon’s most underprivileged communities regardless of religion, nationality or political affiliation.

Our Mission

arcenciel USA is a non-profit organization, providing a bridge for US-based individuals, institutions, and corporations to connect with and support Lebanon’s most underprivileged and marginalized communities, regardless of religion, political affiliation or nationality. arcenciel USA will support at-risk communities in Lebanon through arcenciel Lebanon which provides focused programming on youth empowerment, mobility and health, sustainable agriculture and environment, responsible tourism and social support.

Student Community Service Program in Lebanon

arcenciel Student Community Service is a volunteer abroad program specifically designed for US-based high school
students seeking an exciting opportunity in Lebanon. Our culturally rich
educational program is designed to open each participant’s eyes to the inner workings of a
social enterprise, giving them the opportunity to actively participate in on-going projects, and
to forge meaningful connections with underserved and vulnerable communities in Lebanon.
Through guided group sessions, students openly discuss their new experiences and, along
with their peers, develop ideas and question their surroundings.


Technical aids for disabled syrian & iraki refugees


Following this tragedy, arcenciel is doubling its efforts to pursue its mission in supporting fragile groups and integrating marginalized people. Building on its experience over the past 36 years, arcenciel is implementing immediately several actions in order to respond to victims’ most critical need. READ MORE




Following this tragedy, arcenciel is doubling its efforts to pursue its mission in supporting fragile groups and integrating marginalized people. Building on its experience over the past 36 years, arcenciel is implementing immediately several actions in order to respond to victims’ most critical needs:

  • Social workers and hundreds of volunteers deployed in the field to assess the needs of the affected people
  • Medical aid: wheelchair, crutches, walkers, crank beds, medications, physiotherapy sessions, post-emergency health monitoring of injured persons
  • Social support and referral to complementary organizations
  • Refurbishment of damaged furniture in arcenciel’s workshop and through local craftsmen, and provision of furniture
  • Collection, sorting and recycling of glass, wood, metal and electric appliances

Today, arcenciel counts on the solidarity and support of its partners and friends to sustain its immediate actions, and expand further ones according to the needs assessment from the affected areas.

We look forward to join our efforts, and thus contribute to the sustainable development in Lebanon.


Kindly note that your donation is tax-deductible under Internal Revenue Code (IRC) section 501(c)3

  • 100% of your donation will go to arcenciel USA
  • Processing fees will be deducted from your donation
  • 100% of your donation will go to arcenciel USA. Please send your check to arcenciel USA at the following address: 9208 Cedar Way, Bethesda, MD 20814

Build & Equip a new hospital waste management center

More than 1.5 million Syrian Refugees (registered & unregistered) live in Lebanon, representing a population increase of over 25%. This has placed substantial strain on the current infrastructure, including waste management. READ MORE   Estimated Cost: $1,000,000         Kindly note that your donation is tax-deductible under Internal Revenue Code (IRC) section 501(c)3

ESTIMATED COST   $1,000,000


More than 1.5 million Syrian Refugees (registered & unregistered) live in Lebanon, representing a population increase of over 25%. This has placed substantial strain on the current infrastructure, including waste management. Prior to the Syrian crisis, arcenciel had been collecting and treating more than 80% of Lebanon’s hospital waste.

Today, however, arcenciel urgently needs funds to build and equip an additional treatment center to handle the increased volume of infectious waste. Vulnerable and at risk communities, including refugees, are directly affected by the mismanagement of infectious waste since this hazardous material is generally dumped in proximity to refugee camps.

The funds for this project would be primarily used to build and equip a new hospital waste management center in Northern Lebanon, and could potentially treat 1 ton a day of additional waste for a total of 2.5 tons a day.

Kindly note that your donation is tax-deductible under Internal Revenue Code (IRC) section 501(c)3

  • 100% of your donation will go to arcenciel USA
  • Processing fees will be deducted from your donation
  • 100% of your donation will go to arcenciel USA. Please send your check to arcenciel USA at the following address: 9208 Cedar Way, Bethesda, MD 20814

An accessible bus for people with disabilities & vulnerable women

The accessible bus is needed to facilitate transportation to and from arcenciel centers in Taanayel, benefitting several of our vulnerable communities every day. READ MORE   Estimated Cost: $30,000         Kindly note that your donation is tax-deductible under Internal Revenue Code (IRC) section 501(c)3



The accessible bus is needed to facilitate transportation to and from arcenciel centers in Taanayel, benefitting several of our vulnerable communities every day:

  1. Disabled children could be transported from their homes to arcenciel’s integrated day care center in Taanayel where all children between the ages of 0 and 3 are welcomed.  Young children play and explore in a non-discriminatory and diverse environment that fosters learning and growth.
  2. Disabled refugees could travel from their camps to arcenciel’s center giving them access to our extended social and healthcare services, including paramedical assistance (physiotherapy, psychomotor, and speech therapy), dental care, prosthetics (orthopedic prostheses and hearing aids), and technical aids (custom-made orthopedic shoes, wheelchairs, walkers, walking canes, etc). Refugees would also have access to the “social boutique” where they can find much needed clothing and toys.
  3. Vulnerable women could have easy access to arcenciel’s Agnes Varis Women Empowerment Center, a specialized center in Taanayel with a goal to empower women in the Bekaa region of Lebanon. The center works to enhance women’s economic independence and improve their socio-economic conditions by developing their skills and their competences in different fields for the long term.

Kindly note that your donation is tax-deductible under Internal Revenue Code (IRC) section 501(c)3

  • 100% of your donation will go to arcenciel USA
  • Processing fees will be deducted from your donation
  • 100% of your donation will go to arcenciel USA. Please send your check to arcenciel USA at the following address: 9208 Cedar Way, Bethesda, MD 20814

Equipment for the new youth center for refugees in Sed el bauchrieh

“Rainbow Clubs” are dynamic open spaces created by arcenciel to attract and support vulnerable youth in all regions of Lebanon. These centers provide young adults with access to sporting and educational activities as well as various training programs for personal, social and professional development. Young adults who would otherwise be on the streets have the chance to learn, to play and to feel like they belong to a community. READ MORE   Estimated Cost: $32,000   Kindly note that your donation is tax-deductible under Internal Revenue Code (IRC) section 501(c)3



“Rainbow Clubs” are dynamic open spaces created by arcenciel to attract and support vulnerable youth in all regions of Lebanon. These centers provide young adults with access to sporting and educational activities as well as various training programs for personal, social and professional development. Centers are equipped with computers, libraries and basketball courts.

Young adults who would otherwise be on the streets have the chance to learn, to play and to feel like they belong to a community. arcenciel would like to expand these clubs to accommodate a larger number of vulnerable “at risk” young refugees in need of feeling like they belong, and is proposing to open up another club location in its new center in Sed El Baouchrieh.

The funds collected for this project will primarily be used to buy new equipment for the youth center, listed here by order of priority:

  1. 30 laptops including installation of equipment, cables, UPS, servers, printers, etc. (Total cost $15,000)
  2. Sports equipment: 4 tennis tables and accessories, and 4 free standing basketball hoops (Total cost $8,000)
  3. Audiovisual equipment: overhead projector, sound system, etc. (Total cost $4,000)
  4. Books for the library (Total cost $5,000)

Kindly note that your donation is tax-deductible under Internal Revenue Code (IRC) section 501(c)3

  • 100% of your donation will go to arcenciel USA
  • Processing fees will be deducted from your donation
  • 100% of your donation will go to arcenciel USA. Please send your check to arcenciel USA at the following address: 9208 Cedar Way, Bethesda, MD 20814


arcenciel has received several awards for its work towards sustainable development in a wide range of fields

  • Politique de qualité

    La politique de qualité d’arcenciel


  • Management system as per EN ISO 9001:2015 – Head Office

    Gestion de projets et de centres sociaux, de santé, d’environnement, d’agriculture, d’écotourisme, d’emploi, de jeunesse, de culture, de construction {Relex).


  • Management system as per EN ISO 9001:2015 – Domaine de Taanayel

    Élevage laitier et fabrication de produits, production de cultures agricoles, exploitation de sites écotouristiques, gestion des déchets recyclables, services post-récolte de fruits et légumes. {Domaine de Taanayel}

  • Management system as per EN ISO 9001:2015 – DEHO

    Traitement de déchets hospitaliers {DEHO}

  • Management system as per EN ISO 9001:2015 – Jisr el Wati Center

    Provision de produits et de services mobilité, de consultations médicales et paramédicales,  de support social et communautaire et  de production céramique.


  • Ford Motor Company Conservation & Environmental Grant

    2018 – arcenciel reçoit pour la quatrième fois une subvention pour la conservation et l’environnement de la Ford Motor Company, pour son “inoculum bactérien” capable d’améliorer et d’accélérer considérablement le processus de compostage.

  • Prix des droits de l’homme

    2018- L’Institut de Science Politique (ISP) de l’Université Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth (USJ) a décerné à arcenciel le Prix des droits de l’homme à l’occasion du 70e anniversaire de la Déclaration des droits de l’homme.

  • Laureat du prix 2018 de la fondation CMA-CGM

    2018 – arcenciel est le “Laureat du prix 2018 de la fondation CMA-CGM” pour l’ensemble de ses actions auprès des personnes vulnérables, notamment l’enfance défavorise.

    La fondation a soutenu le réaménagement des classes spécialisées du centre de Taanayel en 2015 et persévère dans la quête de l’épanouissement des jeunes marginalisés au Liban.


  • Prix de l’Entrepreneuriat Social

    2018 – Pierre Issa, co-fondateur d’arcenciel, a reçu le prix de l’entrepreneuriat social lors du festival Changemaker !

    Le festival cherche à combler le fossé entre les jeunes, les principaux décideurs et les grandes entreprises, afin de créer des partenariats qui inspirent l’action et apportent un changement social durable.

  • Prix de la Paix au Liban

    arcenciel a reçu le “Prix de la Paix au Liban” 2015, décerné par la Fondation Ghazal, pour sa promotion apolitique et non-confessionnelle de la paix dans des contextes difficile.

  • Élu Entrepreneur de l’année par la Fondation Schwab

    2015 – arcenciel a été élu Entrepreneur de l’année par la Fondation Schwab pour l’entrepreneuriat social, créateurs du Forum Economique Mondial de Davos

  • Commandeur dans l’ordre espagnol du mérite

    – 2015 Mme.Milagros Hernando a élevé M.Pierre Issa, co-fondateur d’arcenciel, au rang de Commandeur dans l’ordre espagnol du mérite

  • Certificat des Meilleures Pratiques, Municipalité de Dubaï/UN-HABITAT

    -2015 : Le Directeur Général de la municipalité de Dubaï et le Directeur Exécutif des Nations Unies pour le Programme UN-HABITAT ont remis à arcenciel le Certificat des Meilleures Pratiques pour récompenser son programme environnemental «Créer de la Solidarité par le Réseau pour un Management Durable de l’Eau »

  • Prix MENA CSR Excellence

    -2015: arcenciel a gagné le prix « MENA CSR Excellence » dans la catégorie Environnement Durable, durant le Sommet CSR qui a eu lieu le 19 mai 2015 à Dubaï.

  • Chevalier de l’Ordre national de la Légion d’Honneur française

    2014: M.Paoli, ambassadeur de France au Liban, a élevé M.Pierre Issa, co-fondateur d’arcenciel, au rang de Chevalier de l’Ordre national de la Légion d’Honneur pour récompenser l’ensemble du travail de l’association.

  • Prix Wahdatouna khalasouna

    -2014: arcenciel a été récompensé du prix “Wahdatouna khalasouna” (“Notre unité est notre salut”) pour sa contribution à la paix civile au Liban.

  • Prix Best Idealistic NGO

    -2014: arcenciel a reçu le prix de « Best Idealistic NGOs(BINGO) » (Meilleur ONG idealiste), dans la catégorie environnement

  • Prix Libanais National EnergyGlobe

    -2014: arcenciel a recu le Prix Libanais National EnergyGlobe pour le projet «Créer de la Solidarité par le Réseau pour un Management Durable de l’Eau », en partenariat avec Advantage Austria-Official Trade Promotion, Organisation de la Republique d’Autriche

  • Trophée « Les villes de front de mer s’engagent »

    -2014: arcenciel a reçu le trophée « Les villes de front de mer s’engagent »  pour l’initiative « Recycler pour la Solidarité » faisant partie du projet Bouchons Roulants.

  • Prix de l’Innovation Interculturelle

    -2014: arcenciel a recu le 5eme Prix de l’Innovation Interculturelle pour « Une ecole de Cirque au service du dialogue interculturel » a Bali-Indonesie

  • Carte de la Terre

    -2014: arcenciel a reçu la Carte de la Terre par la Banque Libano-Française et le UNDP, pour son action pour la préservation de l’eau au Liban.

  • Prix du meilleur MBA professionel

    -2013: arcenciel a reçu le prix du meilleur Projet professionnel MBA par le MBA IP Lebanon, pour l’étude du lancement de la production de « Biopesticide » au Liban.

  • Bourse Ford pour la Conservation et l’Environnement

    -2013 : arcenciel a reçu la Bourse Ford pour la Conservation et l’Environnement, pour le projet de déchets recyclables « Bouchons Roulants ».

  • Prix Nestlé, Creating Shared Value

    – 2012: arcenciel a reçu le prix du programme de Nestlé” Creating Shared Value ” (“Créer de la valeur partagée”) pour son programme de commerce equitable Wataneh, a New Dehli-Inde.

  • Prix Takreem pour le développement et la créativité

    – 2010: arcenciel a reçu le Prix Takreem par Ricardo Karam pour le développement et la créativité

Board of directors

  • Rhonda Trad
    Rhonda Trad

    Rhonda Trad has a BA in Comparative Literature, and an MA from Georgetown University in Economic Development and International Studies.   She served as Programming and Development Officer at the Peace Corps, an international service organization funded by the United States, where she mainly focused on water/sanitation, disease eradication, and women empowerment projects. She then worked for United Nations Volunteers (UNV), an international organization fostering and developing volunteerism as a force for sustainable development.  She coordinated the United States’ funding to UNV, as well as American volunteer recruitment and placement in the program.   Rhonda later moved to Lebanon and worked in Management Consulting for Consulting and Development Services where she assisted on projects in the banking sector as well as in the manufacturing industry.   Rhonda moved back to the DC area in 2006, where she currently lives with her family. When she is not busy with her biggest challenge of all, raising 5 children, Rhonda is heading a variety of school committees, sitting on educational boards, and volunteering in organizations and centers in the area.

  • Gabriel Sara
    Board Member
    Gabriel Sara
    Board Member

    Dr. Sara attended medical school at the Faculté Française de Médecine (FFM) in Beirut and at Paris XI School of Medicine and obtained his Doctorate in Medicine in 1980. In 1980, he moved to New York City where he obtained and trained 3 American Boards: Internal Medicine, Hematology and Medical Oncology.   He is a Senior Attending Physician in the division of Hematology/Oncology at Mount Sinai-Roosevelt Hospital in New York where he is the Medical Director of the Chemotherapy Unit. He is also an Assistant Clinical Professor in Medicine at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York. In 2005, Dr. Sara and Fuad Sawaya established the Helen Sawaya Fund, in memory of Fuad’s wife, Helen who passed away of cancer. This program transformed the experience of cancer patients through art, music therapy, reflexology, a travel program and more.   Dr. Sara is the author of several articles in the field of hematology and oncology and in 2013, he co-edited the first textbook about “Music and Medicine: Integrative Models in the Treatment of Pain.” He is annually cited in the Hematology/Oncology section of "Top Doctors: New York Metro Area" by Castle Connolly and the "Super Doctors” edition of the New York Times Magazine. In 2003, Gabriel co-founded “Jamhour Alumni US” and was it’s President from 2006 to 2010.

  • Karim S. Trad
    Board Member
    Karim S. Trad
    Board Member

    Karim S. Trad, MD is American Board-certified in General Surgery and a Clinical Professor with The George Washington University School of Medicine & Health Sciences. He was born and raised in Beirut, Lebanon. He attended medical school at the Medical University of South Carolina, completed a six-year general surgery residency at The George Washington University and a fellowship in Endoscopic Surgery with Dr. Jeffrey Ponsky at Case Western Reserve.   Dr. Trad returned to GW as the Director of Surgical Endoscopy and headed the newly established Laparoscopic Surgery Program. Among many achievements, he is credited with performing Metropolitan Washington’s first Laparoscopic Nissen Fundoplication and with leading the area's first Laparoscopic Training facility at The George Washington University School of Medicine & Health Sciences.   In 1996, Dr. Trad returned to Lebanon to serve as Medical Director at Trad Hospital for almost 10 years.  Then, he came back to the United States and joined Dr. Daniel Turgeon in Reston's premier General Surgery practice, Reston Surgical Associates, which is now a part of The GW Medical Faculty Associates. Dr. Trad has served as Chairman of the Department of Surgery at Reston Hospital in Reston, Virginia, and is currently the Vice-President of its medical staff.

  • Mirwan Beydoun
    Board Member
    Mirwan Beydoun
    Board Member

    Mirwan Beydoun is a retired entrepreneur. He was co-owner of a US-based family business, marketing & distributing upholstery fabric.   Mr. Beydoun conducted market research & set-up distribution networks in the Middle East and Asia. He guided the distributors in the process of buying, inventory control & selling fabrics. Currently, Mr. Beydoun consults with former clients on an ad-hoc and volunteer basis.   Mr. Beydoun graduated in 1980 from the University of Pennsylvania, having majored in Finance & Management.

  • Nada Sara
    Board Member
    Nada Sara
    Board Member

    Nada Sara graduated from the Institut Sainte Anne de Besançon of Beirut in 1974.  She attended law school at the Université Saint Joseph (USJ) in Beirut where she obtained her degree in Lebanese Law and a Master’s in French Law in 1978. She then went back to school in New York – where she has been living since 1981 – and joined the LL.M program at Fordham School of Law, graduating in 2007.   Nada has been active to promote Lebanon, giving lectures to the French community of New York and presenting the UNESCO Lebanese sites to her fellow Lebanese across the US.  She also is a founding member of the Jamhour Alumni US association since 2003, organizing yearly reunions to gather alumni during a cultural and fundraising event.

  • Joe Manok
    Board Advisor
    Joe Manok
    Board Advisor

    Joe Manok is Director of Global Initiatives at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) with focus on the MENA region. Prior to joining MIT, Joe worked at the Development Office of the American University of Beirut (AUB) for more than ten years. Most recently he served as Associate Director of Development for Major Gifts and Advancement Services at the AUB New York Office.   In 2007, Joe received the AUB President's Service Excellence Award for outstanding service to the institution. In 2012, the Council for Advancement and Support of Education, District II (CASE II), an international association of 700 educational institutions, named Joe as their Rising Star.   Joe served as the Co-Chair of the Development Track for the 2013 CASE II Conference in Pittsburgh and the Co-Chair of the Program for the 2014 CASE II Conference in Baltimore. He was also a member of the Communications Committee of the Association of Fundraising Professional (AFP), New York City Chapter in 2012-13. He continues to volunteer with various nonprofits.

  • Rami Harawi
    Rami Harawi

    Rami Harawi is an investment professional and founder of Orion Advisory. Since 2013, Orion has been advising a group of private clients on structuring and managing a diverse portfolio of investments (real estate; private and public equities) in both emerging markets such as South Africa and Mozambique and developed markets such as the UK and the US. Prior to founding Orion, Rami worked as:   - An investment associate at Vantage Capital, a private equity firm based out of Johannesburg, South Africa. - A senior consultant at Booz&Co. (currently Strategy&), a management consulting firm. Rami covered the Middle East and North Africa. - An operations manager at General Electric in the USA.   Rami has a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, as well as an M.B.A. from the Stanford Graduate School of Business. In recent years, Rami and his wife have focused their efforts on supporting grassroots organizations that address issues faced by marginalized children in Lebanon, particularly refugee and migrant children. (  

  • Michèle Daoud
    Vice President
    Michèle Daoud
    Vice President

    Michèle is an investor with Monk's Hill Ventures, an-early stage venture capital fund focusing on technology startups in Southeast Asia. She invests cross-industries in software-driven companies and works closely with entrepreneurs to help scale their businesses.   Prior to joining Monk's Hill Ventures in Hong Kong, Michele was an early employee at Udemy, the largest global online learning marketplace focused on lifelong education. Based in San Francisco, she helped grow the company and 5X revenues with a primary focus on content strategy and partnerships. Prior to joining Udemy, Michele worked in Google's New Products & Services team in London overseeing display advertising platforms for Europe and North Africa. She was also a Strategy Consultant at Oliver Wyman for telecommunication companies across the Middle East & Africa.   Michèle holds an MBA and Certificate in Public Management and Social Innovation from Stanford’s Graduate School of Business, and a bachelor degree in Mechanical Engineering from the American University of Beirut.   Michèle has been volunteering with arcenciel since January 2015 helping set up arcenciel USA and initiating the association’s legal incorporation. She is born and raised in Lebanon.

Contact us


New York, USA Tel: +1 (267) 266-2574 Mail: Facebook: arcencielUSA Instagram: aecusa