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Equipment for the new youth center for refugees in Sed el bauchrieh



“Rainbow Clubs” are dynamic open spaces created by arcenciel to attract and support vulnerable youth in all regions of Lebanon. These centers provide young adults with access to sporting and educational activities as well as various training programs for personal, social and professional development. Centers are equipped with computers, libraries and basketball courts.

Young adults who would otherwise be on the streets have the chance to learn, to play and to feel like they belong to a community. arcenciel would like to expand these clubs to accommodate a larger number of vulnerable “at risk” young refugees in need of feeling like they belong, and is proposing to open up another club location in its new center in Sed El Baouchrieh.

The funds collected for this project will primarily be used to buy new equipment for the youth center, listed here by order of priority:

  1. 30 laptops including installation of equipment, cables, UPS, servers, printers, etc. (Total cost $15,000)
  2. Sports equipment: 4 tennis tables and accessories, and 4 free standing basketball hoops (Total cost $8,000)
  3. Audiovisual equipment: overhead projector, sound system, etc. (Total cost $4,000)
  4. Books for the library (Total cost $5,000)

Kindly note that your donation is tax-deductible under Internal Revenue Code (IRC) section 501(c)3