Social Support helps vulnerable populations in their struggle to integrate society
and personally develop within it..
The program has an employment office, a social support system and a network of clothing and furniture boutiques focused on integrating people back into society.
Since its creation in 1985, Social Support has engaged in field work that identifies community difficulties and provides customs solutions to targeted issues. It plans systematic emergency responses in communities to potential national instabilities.
One of Lebanon’s first ground-based assessments of community needs, arcenciel’s Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR) program helps find targeted solutions to community concerns.
The ceramic workshop opens. It employs people with disabilities to create and sell hand-made ceramic products. It is one of Lebanon’s first running Social Enterprises.
The Social Boutique opens its doors to everyone. People can come in to shop for clothing and toys and pay whatever they can afford
With the onset and influx of Iraqi refugees, the Social Program begins providing crucial services to those fleeing from war. Since then, the program has been continuously providing aid to Lebanon’s vulnerable refugees.
La Brocante upcycles used donated furniture and old household appliances to re-sell them as vintage items.
For more information contact: 81 214 840
Paying whatever amount they are able to, customers can pick-up clothing and toys at arcenciel’s social boutique. At La Boutique, everyone, regardless of socio-economics or religious background, can shop for themselves and their families.
For more information: 01 889 516
John Kennedy St, Jisr el Bacha, Sin el Fil,
PO.Box 16.5216, Beirut, Lebanon
Tel: 961.1.495561 Ext.1340
Fax: 961.1.512107