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Build & Equip a new hospital waste management center

ESTIMATED COST   $1,000,000


More than 1.5 million Syrian Refugees (registered & unregistered) live in Lebanon, representing a population increase of over 25%. This has placed substantial strain on the current infrastructure, including waste management. Prior to the Syrian crisis, arcenciel had been collecting and treating more than 80% of Lebanon’s hospital waste.

Today, however, arcenciel urgently needs funds to build and equip an additional treatment center to handle the increased volume of infectious waste. Vulnerable and at risk communities, including refugees, are directly affected by the mismanagement of infectious waste since this hazardous material is generally dumped in proximity to refugee camps.

The funds for this project would be primarily used to build and equip a new hospital waste management center in Northern Lebanon, and could potentially treat 1 ton a day of additional waste for a total of 2.5 tons a day.

Kindly note that your donation is tax-deductible under Internal Revenue Code (IRC) section 501(c)3